Dream Catalyst and the Game Changer Movement are in the process of creating a platform that we are calling Conversation PEACES.  We are going to rePURPOSE furniture with mosaic patterns of rePURPOSEd violent video games and other CDs and DVDs.  We are going to work with hotel chains, restaurants, business offices, and individuals who will commission us to create new Conversation PEACES or we will rePURPOSE Conversation PEACES with furniture that may have been heading to the landfill.  This is how Dream Catalyst is turning the Environmental Triangle into a square by adding RePURPOSEing to the equation.  The most exciting part is that we are going to work with individuals experiencing homelessness or people who have experienced homelessness at some point in their lives.

Game Changer Furniture December 2014 cell phone 1694December 2014 cell phone 3306